For Universities | Kuno
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When new languages create new opportunities.

At Kuno, we understand that mastering new languages is central to effective communication and success on a global scale.

Kuno enables businesses, universities and language schools, like yours, to foster peer-to-peer linguistic excellence within your institution. Our industry-leading platform is designed to support students, employees, and customers with a community of local, native peers.

The peer-to-peer
learning app 

​Kuno is designed to help organizations develop their linguistic, transversal and intercultural skills, with engagement and retention at scale. We facilitate authentic exchanges with native speakers. By fostering a culture of continuous peer learning, Kuno can also help your organization stay agile and competitive on the global stage.​

  1. 🙋‍♀️Kuno Revitalizes Peer Learning: Easily find native partners and engage in discussions with them.

  2. 📆Kuno Establishes Authentic Conversations and Real Connections: Start booking your conversation sessions now.

  3. 🚀Kuno - Develop your Linguistic, Transversal Skills and Your Confidence: Practice as much as you want!


1. They will connect with 3 carefully selected peers to learn a language of their choice and 3 other peers to introduce their native language to.

Kuno fits into the ideal 70/20/10* learning model.

*Learning happens through practice (70%)on challenges and exchange between peers, colleagues and clients (20%).

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Practice and experience

Formal learning

Peer-to-peer exchange

How does it work ?

Our benefits

"Kuno was a life saver when I was studying abroad. Thanks to the sessions with my native language partners, I felt more comfortable and confident while navigating my move to a new country"

Alexa Young, CA

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